How to Cancel Your State Farm® insurance Policy

Times and situations change. We get that, and we’re committed to making your decision a smooth transition. To cancel your State Farm insurance policy, choose one of these methods.

Cancel by phone

  1. Contact your local State Farm agent and explain that you’d like to cancel your policy. You’ll typically need your policy number, name, and date of birth. If you’re canceling because you’ve sold your vehicle, you might also need to provide proof of your vehicle’s plate forfeiture or a bill of sale. For auto policy cancellations only, you can call 800-STATEFARM.
  2. Cancellations by phone are typically effective immediately, or you can schedule it for a date in the future.
  3. Many states require you to inform the DMV when you cancel or change your auto insurance, but check your specific state’s guidelines or ask your agent if this is necessary.
  4. If you’re planning on getting back on the road with a different provider, the agent might ask for your new provider’s name, policy number and effective date.

Cancel by mail

To cancel your policy, write a letter that includes the information below.

  • Your name, address and phone number.
  • Your State Farm policy number and the date and time you want your policy to end.
  • If you’re switching providers, your new insurer’s name, policy number and policy start date.
  • If you’ve sold your vehicle, you may be required to provide proof of plate forfeiture or your bill of sale.

Sign, date and mail your letter at least two weeks before your intended cancellation date, leaving time for delivery and processing, to the address below:

Attn: Policy Cancellation
State Farm Insurance
PO Box 2001
Bloomington, IL 61702-2001

Cancel in person

To cancel in person, we recommend taking along the information below.

  • Your name, address and phone number.
  • Your State Farm policy number and the date and time you want your policy to end.
  • If you’re switching providers, your new insurer’s name, policy number and policy start date.
  • If you’ve sold your vehicle, proof of plate forfeiture or your bill of sale.

Contact your agent to change or cancel your policy

Image of agent wearing a red shirt

Interested in switching agents?

If you feel another agent could better serve your needs, we’ve got you covered. You can make the switch online, by email, or mail. With over 18,000 agents nationwide, we’ve got someone near you.

Change my agent


Send requests to

Mailing Address

State Farm
Agency/Sales Resources
P.O. Box 853918
Richardson, TX 75085-3918


Call us at 800-782-8332

Pricing your options

Should you adjust or cancel your State Farm policy?

Price tops the list of reasons people change insurance companies. It’s probably why you’re here now. And if you’re just looking to save money on premiums, you have options.

  • Your agent can review your current coverage and suggest adjustments that will allow you to drive more affordably.
  • You can raise your deductible. Higher deductibles mean lower premiums. So, if you’re driving less and taking public transportation more, for example, this is a money-saving change you’ll want to make.
  • You can switch companies. But know that not all insurance policies are created equally. Just because you’re getting a lower price doesn’t mean you’re getting a better value.
How to choose well when it comes to deductibles and coverage

What to consider before canceling your policy

Will adjusting your premium help?

You can determine how much and when you pay your insurance premiums. Contact your State Farm agent to set up a plan that fits your budget. Let State Farm Payment Plans work for you.

  • Make smaller, more-manageable monthly payments instead of larger ones once or twice a year.
  • Combine multiple policies on one bill.
  • Select a payment date that works best with your schedule.
  • Set up automatic payments and notifications.
Explore more ways to save with State Farm discounts1

Are you covered?

You’ll need a new policy before canceling your State Farm policy. Nearly every U.S. state requires proof of insurance to legally drive its highways. What may failure to maintain coverage, including gaps between the cancellation of one policy and the beginning of another, cause?

  • Hefty fines.
  • Suspension of driver’s license.
  • Potential higher premiums on future policies.

How will a new policy compare?

Before changing insurance companies, make sure the policies you’re comparing offer the same coverage and terms. Knowing how auto insurance is priced can help you decide if you’re getting your money’s worth from your current or new policy.

1 Discount names, percentages, availability and eligibility may vary by state. Not all vehicles or drivers are eligible for discounts. Contact your State Farm agent to confirm discount eligibility.

State Farm (including State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates) is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, any third party products or the content of any third party sites referenced in this material. State Farm has no discretion to alter, update, or control the content on the third party sites. Any references to such sites are provided for informational purposes only and are not a solicitation to buy or sell any of the products which may be referenced on such third party sites. State Farm does not warrant the merchantability, fitness, or quality of the third party products referenced in this material.

State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company
State Farm Indemnity Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas
Richardson, TX